Wednesday, August 3, 2016

6 Reasons Why Rio Olympics Are Tainted

By Leigh Steinberg, Original Post On

The original purpose of the Olympic Games was to celebrate amateur athletics and build fellowship between athletes of competing nations. In 1896 Pierre de Coubertin held the first of the modern Olympic Games in Athens, Greece. He saw the games as a way to promote peace and unity within the international community through the medium of sports -- a way to bring political enemies together. Somewhere along the way, this ideal was lost.​

The International Olympic Committee determines the "host" city and country using enrichment for the committee as the overwhelming criteria. Political repression, athletic health and safety, negative impact on the host nation's economy, and widespread cheating are all disregarded. Whether it was allowing Adolf Hitler to use the Berlin Games in 1936 to prop up his regime while persecuting Jews or continuing the 1972 Games in Munich after the slaughter of athletes -- the games long ago lost their position as a promotion for positive values and world peace. Consider this:

1) The games are not safe. Rio de Janeiro is a city with millions of people living in poverty in slums who are desperate. Their conditions were not improved for the games and instead of using funds to upgrade their situation, army were sent in to pacify the favelas. It has one of the highest crime rates in the world. Many of the citizens are bitter at the diversion of funds from social causes to facilities and never wanted the games to happen.

2) The water venues put the athletes at health risk. Untreated waste with toxic levels of E. coli is dumped into the bay. Athletes involved in water sports are being exposed to this water. In California, beaches are shut down once the level of pollution is six times less than allowed in Rio. The long term health of the athletes is being disregarded.

3) The competition is not​ being held on a level playing field. Widespread doping and lack of effective testing puts clean athletes at a disadvantage. The McLaren Report, commissioned by the World Doping Agency made clear how the Russian government and intelligence apparatus executed a plan to give all Russian athletes at the Sochi Olympics an unfair advantage by doping them up with stimulants and cleverly beating ​the tests. ​The Russian ​regulatory bodies are all politically controlled. Instead of banning tainted Russian athletes, the IOC has allowed each sport to make their own decisions as to eligibility. Money and politics will allow doped up athletes from Russia and other nations to compete. Modern doping science has exceeded the regulatory ability to test.

4) The concept of amateurism has been destroyed. Some countries insist that the athletes are privately or self-funded and do not do endorsements. Some nations completely support and compensate their athletes. Countries like Russia and China pull athletes from their families at an early age and train and program them. We play our NBA multi-millionaires in basketball, they are professional athletes.

5) The games allow the athletes to be exploited for political reasons. The Beijing Olympics gave an international boost to Chinese dictatorship. Dissidents were jailed, the freedom of information was repressed. The Sochi Winter Games ​enhanced prestige and legitimacy for dictator Vladimir Putin and built up his regime while he repressed all political opposition. Brazil is in the midst of a constitutional crisis and a prosecution of the democratically elected President. Both sides in this crisis are using the games for political advantage.​ Holding games amidst these circumstances implies international acceptance of the local conditions.​

6) The city and country of Brazil will be hampered economically once the games are over. Billions of dollars have been spent on facilities, many of which will never be productively used again. A fortune has been spent on army and police. Massive resources that could have been used to redress poverty and income inequality, has been squandered on a two week festival.

The athletes have dedicated their lives to training and competition. We should honor them. The Olympic movement could be a wonderful display if it was guided by principles other than greed, excess, competitive zeal and politics. It could represent the best in sports and promote international harmony and understanding. The IOC does not represent the Olympic ideal. The IOC operates as a "see no evil", "hear no evil" cash register that has lost its way.

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