Thursday, September 29, 2016

We Got Daniel Radcliffe To Answer Questions From His Own Corpse Dummy, Because Why Not

Since becoming a household name as Harry Potter, Daniel Radcliffe has racked up quite the variety of credits: He played a romantic lead in What If, tried his hand at a biopic as Allen Ginsberg in Kill Your Darlings, and returned to the world of magic earlier this year in Now You See Me 2.

His latest role, however – as Manny in the equally funny and moving Swiss Army Man – is probably the furthest departure from the Dan we grew up with. Because Manny is a dead guy who farts and vomits and, in doing so, helps Paul Dano's character off a deserted island and back home. And BuzzFeed got to meet both of them.


Manny: What first attracted you to the script?

Dan: Well, that's a good question, Manny, and can I just say you're looking great today. I like the crotch thrust out pose, it's very good. What first attracted me to doing Swiss Army Man was just how mental it was – how insane and wonderful and original the script was. There's nothing else like it, and y'know, if I hadn't done it, then we never would've met. So that would've been sad. It's good to see you working for BuzzFeed.


Manny: What's your favourite memory from set?

Dan: We sing a lot of the soundtrack in this film – me and Paul Dano – and on the last day of filming we had to just get into the back of our sound mixer's van and record a really crappy, rough version of the singing then. For some reason that was one of the most fun days. And also watching you and your face and your head get attacked by a raccoon. That was funny, and that's how I learned that raccoons are very vicious, because they went straight for your eyes.


Manny: What did it feel like to meet me for the first time?

Dan: Sort of just like... It was like seeing an old friend again. It was like I'd known you for years, and this was always going to happen. To be fair, it's not even the first time I've seen a dead version of myself. There was one on Harry Potter, on the last movie, that they actually used to bring to set in a body bag, which they mercifully didn't do with you. We just stuck Coke cans in your hand and cigarettes in your mouth and stuff like that.


Manny: Was it liberating to be able to play a character with no inhibitions?

Dan: It was a lot of fun to play a character with no inhibitions, and with no knowledge of the world, and who comes into the world kind of like a blank slate. It means there's no template or blueprint for how you need to play certain scenes. So yeah, that was a lot of fun. Good question.

Manny: What was the best part about working with me?

Dan: The best part about working with you is that I didn't have to have my eyes scratched out by raccoons or get thrown down the sides of cliffs, and that was mainly you and your three other attachable heads. So I was very grateful for you, to be honest.

Manny: What was your favourite scene to film?

Dan: My favourite scene to film was the scene on the bus, which you didn't have much to do on, because it wasn't really that stunt-y. But if I had to burn every other scene that I've ever been in and just keep one thing, it would be the scene on the bus from Swiss Army Man, because it's probably the best thing I've ever done. Other than this interview, now, with you.

Manny: OK, last question... Would you consider working with me again?

Dan: Yes. I mean, I suppose I would. You were quite difficult at times. To be honest, I'm not sure how many more days we're going to get out of you. You're sort of coming apart at the seams... I have to go a long way in to even find your shoulder. Your hand is falling apart. You've seen better times, so I feel like maybe you should stop working for a while. Just take some time to focus on you.

Watch Dan and Manny in the wonderful Swiss Army Man, in cinemas everywhere from September 30!

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