Monday, May 2, 2016

'Game Of Thrones' Might've Confirmed That Tyrion Theory

Thanks to Tyrion's actions on the latest "Game of Thrones," we almost found out whether Lannisters really do "shit gold." Good for Tyrion, that remains to be seen, but the tense scene might've confirmed something else. And it's big. It's, like, dragon big.

In Sunday's episode of "Game of Thrones," Tyrion decided it was time to unchain Dany's dragons so they'll start eating again.

"Don't eat the help," he said, while anxiously approaching them.

Tyrion attempts to keep the dragons calm, revealing that, as a kid, he wanted a dragon of his own. Just when you think he's about to become lunch ...

... nothing happens. Tyrion releases the dragons from their chains, and they go back into the darkness.

Varys is dumbfounded by at the events, and so are we, unless you consider one of the most popular "Game of Thrones" theories outside of R + L = J:

The theory: Tyrion is a Targaryen.

Image: WordPress

The dragons seem to accept Tyrion for some reason. Could it be because he's actually a Targaryen, a family known for being able to bond with and ride dragons? In both the show, Tywin denies that Tyrion is his son multiple times, but the Lannister patriarch tells him, "I cannot prove that you are not mine."

Well, here's some help, bro.

1. The Mad King Aerys was known to take "unwonted liberties" with Tywin's wife, Joanna. 

George R.R. Martin's The World of Ice & Fire confirms that Aerys took "unwonted liberties" with Joanna Lannister during her wedding night. The king was pretty much obsessed with her, and Aerys' wife Rhaella supposedly dismissed Joanna as one of her ladies in waiting because of it. The timing works out so that Aerys and Joanna could've been together sometime during the year before Tyrion was born.

(Joanna, Twyin and Aerys were all at the Anniversary Tourney of 272 AC. Tyrion was born in 273 AC.)

Joanna would later die in childbirth.

In fact ...

2. Tyrion's, Dany's and Jon Snow's mothers all died at childbirth.

In "Game of Thrones," there's a prophecy that says "the dragon has three heads." Dany hears about it when she visits the House of the Undying. It's commonly thought that these "three heads" could be three Targaryen dragon riders that will fly on Dany's dragons. One is Dany, because, duh. Another is thought to be Jon Snow, due to the popular belief that he's the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. The third very well could be Tyrion, due to his strange connection with both of them.

If you buy the fact that Rhaegar and Lyanna are Jon Snow's parents, it means Snow's, Dany's and Tyrion's moms all died during childbirth. For a series with so many important details, a connection like that probably isn't a mistake.

3. Tyrion looks like a Targaryen.

Quora user Chris Peters explains that, in the books, Tyrion doesn't look like a traditional Lannister:

This is not apparent in the TV Show, but in the books it's very pronounced. Jaime and Cersi [sic] have the "typical" Lannister look, golden blonde hair and bright green eyes. Tywin also has these traits. However, (in the books) Tyrion has pale blonde hair, possibly a mix between Lannister golden blonde and Targaryen silver grey. 

Peters also mentions that Tyrion's mismatched eyes in the books might be a sign of Lannister and Targaryen blood mixing. Plus, Joanna's difficult pregnancy with Tyrion may be a trait found among women giving birth to Targaryen babies.

4. Tyrion is obsessed with dragons. 

Image: Tumblr

The show mentioned this in the Tyrion scene, but the books go into much more detail about how Tyrion is semi-obsessed with dragons. The dude also may have had dragon dreams, something found among Targaryens.

Is Tyrion actually the blood of the dragon?

There's even more evidence in favor of this that we didn't go into. For instance, in the books, Tyrion seems to amazingly avoid getting the often-terminal disease Greyscale despite a run-in with people who were infected. Dany believes Targaryens are immune to diseases that affect the common people, which would also work with the theory.

Plus, the "Game of Thrones" author himself even teased Tyrion might "fly" one day. Martin wrote on his blog, "Ah, if only the Tyrion in the books could fly, what mischief he will... ah... could... ah, never mind."

Even with all this, as Tech Insider points out, fans are still divided. Is this theory hot fire? Or should it just go up in smoke? (Dragon puns, right?)

"Game of Thrones" airs Sundays at 9 p.m. ET on HBO.

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