Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Donald Trump Called Daryl Hannah "A Six" Who Needs A Bath During A 1993 Spat

“I see her a lot at Knicks games, and, I tell you, she doesn't even understand basketball,” Trump said of Hannah.

Jonathan Ernst / Reuters

Donald Trump's response to women who criticize him is often to malign their physical appearance. He has attacked Rosie O'Donnell's weight, ridiculed Carly Fiorina's face, and retweeted an unflattering photo of Heidi Cruz.

In the early '90s, it was actress Daryl Hannah who drew the ire of Trump after she questioned his success in real estate. In a 1993 interview with Harper's Bazaar, Hannah said she didn't like how her stepfather, Jerrold Wexler, was commonly known as "the Donald Trump of Chicago."

"He was soft-spoken, modest; he avoided publicity. The only reason to compare him to Donald Trump is that he was successful in real estate-and Donald Trump isn't even successful in real estate anymore!"

In response, Trump shot off a letter to the magazine mocking Hannah's appearance and questioning her intelligence. Harpers Bazaar told BuzzFeed News they never printed Trump's letter, but newspapers across the country reported the details.

Reported the Philadelphia Enquirer:

Trump ripped off a letter to the magazine noting, "This has been the best business year of my life." He challenged the magazine to "pit my real-estate record against Wexler's any day."

Trump added: "The big question is: What does John Jr. see in Daryl, if anything. I have seen her on many occasions, and she is, quite simply, a 'six' - and badly in need of a shower or a bath.

"I see her a lot at Knicks games, and, I tell you, she doesn't even understand basketball."

Trump concluded by saying that her then-boyfriend, John F. Kennedy Jr. should ditch the actress.

"I hope John F. Kennedy junior has dumped her," Trump said.

A Trump spokesperson declined to comment.

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