Monday, May 30, 2016

We're Still Holding Out Hope For An LGBT Superhero On The Big Screen

Twitter was abuzz May 24 when a hashtag asking Marvel Comics to give Captain America a boyfriend began trending. 

On the heels of that viral effort, a new campaign calling for more lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) representation in superhero blockbusters has launched. (Don't miss the trailer above) 

Created by Shape History, a London-based advocacy group focused on social change, the #LGBTSuperheroes effort wants to inspire Hollywood to depict Iceman, Catwoman and Mystique, who have all been depicted as LGBT at varying points since their inception, to appear as such when their stories hit the big screen. 

The group released a brand-new trailer, showing a male superhero with a few secrets of his own, at MCM Comic Con in London on May 27. Officials hope that the new clip will convince movie producers that there's a strong and clear demand for an LGBT superhero, as evidenced by young adult novels, comic books and even weddings

"We hope that we can demonstrate to the studios that there is a huge audience for accurate LGBT portrayal on the big screen," Shape History's Mike Buonaiuto, who directed the trailer, told The Huffington Post in an email, "and it won't deter cinema­ goers to buy tickets.”

Buonaiuto also helmed "Credence," a 2015 feature-length film which put a gay twist on the science fiction genre, as well as "Homecoming" and "Invisible Parents," two short films which highlighted LGBT inequality.  

Let's make this happen, Hollywood! Read more about the #LGBTSuperheroes effort here

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