Friday, May 20, 2016

30 Things You Should Know About Ali Fedotowsky

Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Check Instagram. Check Facebook. Check Twitter. Check all seven of my pregnancy apps. Check email on my phone. I'm usually in bed for 45 minutes checking apps before I actually get out of bed - I'm unhealthily attached to my phone.

When you walk into a bar, what do you typically order?

An amber ale. If it's summertime, I'll go with a wheat beer with citrus in it. Or a Bloody Mary. Kevin (my fiancé) and I love to go to dive bars to have a few drinks and play darts.

What's the one word you are guilty of using too often?

"Poochie." I'm a little obsessed with my dog. Or "angel face". I guess that's two words. And yes, I call my dog "angel face."

What is the last thing you searched for on Google?

Wedding locations. Kevin and I were supposed to get married in Mexico and had the whole thing planned. Then we got pregnant and Zika happened so plans quickly changed. So we are on the hunt again for a more local, Zika-free location. :)

Who is the last person that called or texted you?

My fiancé Kevin.

What's the wallpaper on your phone and/or computer?

A picture of my dog Owen and a picture of my niece Lennon.

Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

What was the last awkward situation you were in and how did you handle it?

People always come up to me not quite knowing why they "kind of" recognize me. They'll think they know me from their childhood or college. So they will spend 15 minutes asking me questions like "Did you go to Penn State? Grow up in Texas? You have an aunt in Florida, right?" Sometimes I'll politely say, "Maybe you know me from TV?" and they'll say, "Oh, no, no, no, I don't watch TV," and continue to ask me question after question. It's awkward and I never know what to do.

What is your TV guilty pleasure?

Married at First Sight. I'm addicted to this show! It's fascinating. I want one of my friends to go on the show!

What's the first CD you bought?

I think it was "Un-Break My Heart" by Toni Braxton - the single. I remember it came on the CD in both English and Spanish. So I used to know every word to "Un-Break My Heart" in Spanish. I was a dramatic child and listened to it on repeat crying over my childhood crush Brendan.

And what music are you currently listening to?

James Bay. Every song on his Chaos and the Calm album is incredible.

What is the one food you cannot resist?

Pasta. I eat it for breakfast almost every morning. Not even exaggerating.

What movie makes you laugh the most?

This is an impossible question! But I love anything where Seth Rogen and James Franco team up.

What toppings do you like on your pizza?

Double pineapple. Yum!

What drives you absolutely crazy?

Wasting time at work - I'm all about efficiency.

Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

What was your first online screen name?

"Alif9" on AOL Instant Messenger.

What's the last thing you copied and pasted on your phone?

I copied a text message from our nursery designer, Vanessa, that I pasted to my fiancé Kevin about needing to find someone to install the wallpaper in our nursery.

What's your favorite curse word?

These aren't really curse words, but "poopsicle" (don't ask, ha!) or "turd." We talk about poop a lot.

What's your favorite emoji?

The dog and baby.

Pick one: kittens or puppies?


New York or Los Angeles?

New York. (Only because I live in L.A. and New York is fun to visit!)

Twitter or Instagram?


Bacon or Nutella?

Nutella. I don't eat meat and I'm addicted to sugar at the moment.

Britney or Christina?

Britney for life.

Coffee or tea?



Hanson. I still listen to "MMMBop."

2 a.m. or 2 p.m.?

2 p.m. I haven't seen 2 a.m. in years. I'm in bed by 8 p.m. most nights.

Beyoncé or Rihanna?

Bad gal RiRi. (Now I'm fearful of the Beyhive.)

Netflix and chill or just Netflix?

I had to have my my fiancé explain what this means to me. Netflix.

Hannah Montana or Lizzie McGuire?

Lizzie McGuire. Hilary's sister, Haylie, is a good friend of mine. ;)

And finally: Tell us a secret.

I don't really have any secrets. I'm an open book! My friends used to scold me for being an oversharer on Facebook. We'd go out on a Friday night and they would wake up to a Facebook notification saying "Ali Fedotowsky has tagged 176 photos of you." Some of those photos come back to haunt me!

Andrew Richard / BuzzFeed

You can check out Ali's website, Aliluvs, here!

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