Friday, June 3, 2016

30 Things You Need To Know About Andrea Russett

Ellie Sunakawa / BuzzFeed

1. What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?

Check Snapchat to see what the new filter is for the day. Duh.

2. When you walk into a bar, what do you typically order?

Shirley Temple!!

3. What's the one word you are guilty of using too often?


4. What is the last thing you searched for on Google?

"Bagels and beagles" .... I have no explanation.

5. Who is the last person that called or texted you?

[The] last person that texted me was Sammy Wilk!

6. What's the wallpaper on your phone and/or computer?

Wallpaper on my phone is a lion, and on my computer it's an elephant. Can you tell I love animals?

7. What was the last awkward situation you were in and how did you handle it?

When Zayn's sister posted a comment stating that Gigi doesn't look like me on an Instagram photo, I got so many comments that I didn't know what to do, or say. So, what did I do? Nothing. I just did nothing.

8. What is your TV guilty pleasure?

Real Housewives. LOVE IT.

9. What's the first CD you bought?

Backstreet Boys' Black & Blue album!

Ellie Sunakawa / BuzzFeed

10. And what music are you currently listening to?

Ariana Grande's new album Dangerous Woman!

11. What is the one food you cannot resist?


12. What movie makes you laugh the most?

Trainwreck. So so good.

13. What toppings do you like on your pizza?

Lots and lots of artichoke.

14. What drives you absolutely crazy?


15. What was your first online screen name?


16. What's the last thing you copied & pasted on your phone?

These questions! Hahaha.

Ellie Sunakawa / BuzzFeed

17. What's your favorite curse word?


18. What's your favorite emoji?

19. Pick one: Kittens or puppies?


20. New York or Los Angeles?

LA for sure.

21. Twitter or Instagram?


22. Bacon or Nutella?


23. Britney or Christina?

My queen Christina.

24. Coffee or tea?


25. NSYNC or BSB?

Omg.... You can't make me choose.

26. 2am or 2pm?


27. Beyonce or Rihanna?


28. Netflix and chill or just Netflix?

Netflix and pizza!

29. Hannah Montana or Lizzie McGuire?


30. And finally: tell us a secret.

Most of the shoes I buy are men's.

Ellie Sunakawa / BuzzFeed

Learn more about Andrea's new horror film Sickhouse, here!

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