Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Racist Tweets Apart of Boston Public School Investgation of #BlackatBLS

On January 18, 2016, two charismatic Boston Latin School students posted a YouTube video, launching phase one of a movement to voice the concerns of their school club, Boston Latin School's Black Leaders Aspiring for Change and Knowledge. In the video, BLS B.L.A.C.K. president, Meggie Noel, and active member, Kylie Webster-Cazeau, directly address BLS administration and call for a twitter conversation #BLackatBLS where current students and alumni expose the unheard experiences of students of color at BLS.

According to the Boston Globe, Boston Public Schools announced an investigation on the students claims to have submitted a "binder full of evidence" to their administration which included racist social media posts from white BLS students in the wake of the non-indictment of Darren Wilson for killing Mike Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. BLS administration's failure to properly and efficiently address these concerns in November 2014 has culminated into a citywide protest titled "BlackatBPS" where students from all Boston public schools are demanding to be heard.

A few tweets from the evidence are posted below:












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