Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Henry Cavill Asked Kids If They Liked Batman Or Superman And Their Answers Were Gold

The Man of Steel chatting it up with children will melt your heart.

Henry Cavill, who plays Superman in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice, recently asked kids who they thought would win in a fight: The Man of Steel or the Caped Crusader.

youtube.com / Via youtube.com

Of course, the kids gave Cavill a pretty hard time when he asked which superhero they preferred. And one kid made the bold choice of choosing neither Batman nor Superman.


The kids gave their reasoning as to why they preferred Batman...

The kids gave their reasoning as to why they preferred Batman...

Omaze / Via youtube.com

...and Cavill rebutted with a charming answer.

...and Cavill rebutted with a charming answer.

Omaze / Via youtube.com

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