Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Kim Kardashian Surprised by Kanye West’s Presidential Announcement

With her second child on the way, a pregnant Kim Kardashian stopped by “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Wednesday. The reality star discussed her famous family including Caitlyn Jenner and husband, the potential future President of the United States, Kanye West.

Like everyone else, Kim was surprised by Kanye’s 2020 candidacy bid announcement at the VMAs. “That was news to me,” she said. “That wasn’t a discussion in our household. … That’s a big thing to not talk to your wife about.”

But while she was caught off guard, she supports his decision to run for office. “I believe he is serious and I know if he puts his mind to something, he’ll do his best,” added Kim. “It’s been fascinating to hear all the conversations that have gone on since that announcement. I don’t know if that was planned and I just didn’t know about it or if he came up with that idea right then and there.”

While a Kanye presidency may be years out, Kim has already thought about what it would be like to be the First Lady. “I think it would be so much fun to be in the White House.”

She already knows that Kanye will want to redecorate his presidential digs. “I was joking with him. I was like, ‘You’re gonna have to make it to a second term ’cause he loves redecorating. You’re gonna wanna redo the whole White House and we’re not gonna be able to enjoy it, so we’re just gonna have to go with the flow.'”

Mrs. West also discussed some potential names for her baby boy, who is due Christmas Day. Ellen suggested Mid and East Meets West, while Kim said she likes Easton. “I don’t think we’ll go another direction. It’s definitely not South,” she said. “I don’t think Kanye likes Easton, I’m not sure.”

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