Wednesday, September 30, 2015

South Carolina Residents Turn Against The Confederate Flag

Most South Carolinians no longer think the Confederate flag should be flown on their statehouse grounds.

In a new survey from Winthrop University, 66 percent of South Carolinians approve of the state legislature's decision to remove the Confederate battle flag this summer after the shooting of nine black churchgoers in Charleston, South Carolina.

Though clear political and racial divides remain, both a 54 percent majority of white residents and 93 percent majority of black ones thought that taking down the flag was the right call. Fifty percent of Republicans support removing the flag while 45 percent do not.

The change in views among South Carolina residents mirrors a dramatic shift in the nation as a whole. A June HuffPost/YouGov survey found national support for displaying the Confederate flag down 12 points from March, with many saying for the first time that the flag represented racism more than Southern pride. 

Since then, controversy over the flag has lingered, in part over NASCAR fans' use of the symbol. Earlier this week, Republican presidential contender Ben Carson compared the flag to the Nazi swastika but described the decision to fly it as "a local issue" before waving off the topic, saying"We've already talked about the Confederate flag issue way too much."

While there's greater support for displaying the flag in public than there is for flying it on government property, opinion may have turned decisively enough to make even past support seem retroactively toxic. Forty-nine percent of South Carolinians told Winthrop that, even before this summer, they'd disapproved of keeping the Confederate battle flag flying on the statehouse grounds, while just 41 percent said they'd disapproved. 

That, however, isn't quite what polls conducted before the shooting actually found. In a Winthrop survey last November, about 60 percent of the state's residents supported flying the Confederate flag on the statehouse grounds, while just less than a third thought it should be taken down.

"The Confederate flag debate in South Carolina might have increased the social stigma of supporting the flag," pollster Scott Clement wrote in The Washington Post. "Supporters of keeping the flag were shamed during debates, and the idea of the Confederate flag as a symbol of racism was a core argument of the debate."

A plurality of the state's residents, though, remain perfectly willing to say that they don't entirely agree with that. Forty-seven percent of South Carolinians say they see the flag as an emblem of Southern pride, while 40 percent view it as a symbol of racial conflict. Sixty-eight percent of Republicans, and more than 60 percent of whites, say the flag represents the region's heritage.

Other racial divides also remain. Black residents in the state are 40 points more likely than whites to say that generations of slavery and discrimination make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class, a statement that's traditionally used in a battery of questions designed to measure levels of racial resentment.

The Winthrop poll surveyed 963 adults living in South Carolina Sept. 19-27, using live interviewers to reach both landlines and cell phones.

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Charts Don't Lie: September 30

A look at the week's rap and R&B sales and chart placements.

James Caan -- Hospitalized in Toronto For Chest Infection

James Caan checked into a Toronto hospital after suffering from a chest infection. We're told the 75-year-old actor, who's in town filming "Operation Insanity" with Paul Sorvino, was admitted Tuesday night. Caan has since been released after…

Athlete And Model Born Without Legs Proves She Won't Be Limited By Her Disability

"No legs, no limits."

That's Kanya Sesser's mantra -- and every day she proves just how limitless her spirit is.

The 23-year-old model and athlete was born without legs, and adopted from Thailand when she was five years old. After moving to the U.S. with her adoptive parents, Sesser learned to walk on her hands and now uses a skateboard to get around. 

Sesser told The Huffington Post that she got into sports as kid because she loved to be outside. "Growing up, being active and all, I played sports with other kids and was always friendly." 

As for modeling, she told the New York Daily News that she loves modeling because it shows a different type of beauty. "I enjoy making money from it and I love showing people what beauty can look like," she said. "These images show my strength.”

Sesser with a foster parent in Thailand before she was adopted and moved to the U.S. 

Sesser started modeling for sports brands when she was 15 years old and was featured in Billabong in 2014.

Now she lives in Los Angeles and boasts a busy schedule filled with modeling shoots, skateboarding, surfing and motivational speaking. On her free time Sesser loves to play tennis, wheelchair basketball, sled-hockey and swim. She's also currently training to compete in mono-skiing in the 2018 Winter Paralympics.

"[Modeling] is something fun and it shows my story," Sesser told NYDN. "I'm different and that is sexy, I don't need legs to feel sexy." 

Sesser told HuffPost that she loves modeling, but sports and competing come first. "Modeling [isn't] the main priority, its more of a side job," she said.

Ultimately, Sesser says being content with who she is and what she does is what makes her happiest. 

"Not a lot of people have the confidence to realize how strong you really are inside," Sesser said. "Most people shut themselves down [because] society makes them feel awkward with the situation they're in. You have to make a different [path] for yourself, 'cause no one is going to do it for you."

A photo posted by Kanya Sesser (@kanyasesser) on

A photo posted by Kanya Sesser (@kanyasesser) on

A photo posted by Kanya Sesser (@kanyasesser) on

Head over to Kanya's Instagram and Facebook pages to learn more about her.  

Keep doing you, girl. 

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Queen Latifah On Fighting Misogyny In Rap And 'Uplifting Women'

Rap music was a male-dominated industry when Queen Latifah was coming up (and it still is), but the rapper-turned-actress and TV producer still managed to carve a space for the talented ladies in the game with her feminist voice and undeniable lyrical skill.

In a conversation with HuffPost Live on Tuesday, Latifah explained why she chose to speak out on songs like "Ladies First" and the Grammy Award-winning "U.N.I.T.Y.," through which Latifah shared an empowering message for women.

“I chose to kind of take the route of uplifting women by trying to make some records that had some positive thoughts in it," she said. "There are ways to make records that appeal to the masses but still have a message that leaves something with you.”

Much of Latifah's positive message was born from a fear of disappointing her mother, she told host Nancy Redd.

“My mother has a great deal to do with the kind of records that I made because I always wanted my mother to be able to play my records," she said. "I would much rather have my mother’s respect than just have a bunch of money and buy her houses, but not have her respect. [I wanted] for someone to be able to mention my name and her say, ‘Oh, that’s my daughter!’ and feel proud of that."

Latifah also said she had no time for "misogyny" in the rap game, and her intolerance of it something she said has always been reflective of her character. 

“I had a problem with [misogyny]. I was never the kind of person that was going to take something lying down," she said. "And maybe that’s my father’s influence on me. I just was raised to protect myself and stand up for myself and speak my mind and be true. And even if I had to stand alone, I was to do that.”

As for today's promising artists? Latifah reminded them to create more than just meaningless club bangers.

“I just want to encourage those up-and-coming rappers to, number one, write hot records, but write hot records talking about the things that you feel," she said.

Watch Queen Latifah's full HuffPost Live conversation about her mother's battle with heart failure here

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George R.R. Martin, HBO Deny 'Game Of Thrones' Movie Rumors

Earlier this week, British tabloid The Daily Star reported that A Song of Ice and Fire series writer George R.R. Martin had confirmed the long-running rumors that a "Game of Thrones" movie was in the works. Exciting, right? 

Except for one thing: It's not true. 

In an email to The Huffington Post, Martin's assistant said that the statements attributed to the author in the Daily Star article -- allegedly made at an Emmy party -- are "not direct quotes." 

Martin also sent HuffPost a statement directly addressing the movie rumors. "There's been talk about it," he said. "I'd love to see one, but nothing is decided."

Martin affirmed the falseness of the rumors in a comment on his LiveJournal page as well, saying, "No one is working on any movie just now. And if there was a movie, it would not be about Robert's Rebellion."

A representative from HBO agreed, writing, in an email, that the Daily Star story was "not at all correct." 

That all sounds quite definitive -- at least for now. Martin's statements, especially, seem to leave the door open for a movie at some point in the future. 

Part of the reason rumors about a possible "Game of Thrones" movie have been so persistent is that there was a long-held belief that a film could somehow help skirt the problem of the show plot overtaking that of the book series. The idea seemed to be that if the show gets ahead of the books, HBO could stop the show, leaving the thread of the book storyline to be picked up several years later, after the release of the last book, on the big screen. Yet unless Martin releases his next book, The Winds of Winter, in the next few months, the show plot will overtake the book plot in Season 6, which is being filmed right now.

Moreover, everything HBO executives have said so far indicates that they're committed to airing at least seven -- and quite possibly eight -- seasons of the show. So it seems more likely that if there is a movie -- a big if -- it would focus on some other story from the world of the books. Apparently, though, not Robert's Rebellion. 

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Kim Kardashian Surprised by Kanye West’s Presidential Announcement

With her second child on the way, a pregnant Kim Kardashian stopped by “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” on Wednesday. The reality star discussed her famous family including Caitlyn Jenner and husband, the potential future President of the United States, Kanye West.

Like everyone else, Kim was surprised by Kanye’s 2020 candidacy bid announcement at the VMAs. “That was news to me,” she said. “That wasn’t a discussion in our household. … That’s a big thing to not talk to your wife about.”

But while she was caught off guard, she supports his decision to run for office. “I believe he is serious and I know if he puts his mind to something, he’ll do his best,” added Kim. “It’s been fascinating to hear all the conversations that have gone on since that announcement. I don’t know if that was planned and I just didn’t know about it or if he came up with that idea right then and there.”

While a Kanye presidency may be years out, Kim has already thought about what it would be like to be the First Lady. “I think it would be so much fun to be in the White House.”

She already knows that Kanye will want to redecorate his presidential digs. “I was joking with him. I was like, ‘You’re gonna have to make it to a second term ’cause he loves redecorating. You’re gonna wanna redo the whole White House and we’re not gonna be able to enjoy it, so we’re just gonna have to go with the flow.'”

Mrs. West also discussed some potential names for her baby boy, who is due Christmas Day. Ellen suggested Mid and East Meets West, while Kim said she likes Easton. “I don’t think we’ll go another direction. It’s definitely not South,” she said. “I don’t think Kanye likes Easton, I’m not sure.”

FAT TREL Feat. YOWDA & P-Wild "Feel No Pain" Video

Mischa Barton Reportedly Facing Repossession Of Audi For Failing To Pay Lease

Mischa Barton has reportedly run into some more financial troubles. 

The former "O.C." actress has apparently neglected to pay the lease on her Audi Q3 for four months, TMZ reports. She signed the lease agreement back in March and agreed to pay $696.29 a month after putting down an initial payment of $2,300. However, the celebrity news site notes that she only made one payment. 

TMZ also notes that according to legal documents, the leasing company demanded Barton return the SUV, but she didn't. Now, they're apparently demanding the full payment of $40,ooo. 

The Huffington Post has reached out to Barton's reps for comment. 

The actress, 29, has had other financial troubles in the past. Back in April, she sued her mother for taking a large sum of her earnings and forcing her out of her town house. In September of last year, OK! reported that the actress was "drowing in debt.



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Dan Marino -- When In London ... Play Catch With Prince Harry!

Dan Marino found a brand new wide receiver in London today ... Prince Harry of Wales ... who fired around the pigskin with the NFL legend during a charity event in the U.K.  Marino is across the pond with the Miami Dolphins ... who play the NY…

It's 'Freaks & Geeks' Meets 'Saved By The Bell' In James Franco's 'Making A Scene'

It's been 15 long years since the cult TV favorite 'Freaks and Geeks' last aired, but loyal fans will be thrilled to know there's a new episode ... of sorts. James Franco steps back into his role as Daniel Desario in episode four of Making A Scene, while also donning the blond coif of Zach Morris.

Watch what happens when the kids from 'Saved by the Bell' go to school with the 'Freaks and Geeks' crew in this ultimate high school TV mashup.


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